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outgoing connection中文是什么意思

用"outgoing connection"造句"outgoing connection"怎么读"outgoing connection" in a sentence


  • 出局接续


  • This value applies to an outgoing connection initiated by the database engine as a remote query
  • Specify the name of the account used for outgoing connections when leaving the context of sql server
    指定用于对外连接的帐户名称(在离开sql server的上下文时) 。
  • Web shield needs the same access rights as your browser - especially outgoing connection to the tcp port 80
  • You can also use this function from a client setting to restrict the interface that should be used for an outgoing connection
  • This script provides an ideal way to allow a particular user to telnet or ssh into your system , yet not allow this user to establish any new outgoing connections from the command - line
  • The kalv ltd . is now area - service 100 % private company , owning the armed - guarded locked area in budapest , immediately next to one of the main transport line , easy outgoing connections to the highway - ring of budapest
    Kalv有限公司现为一个提供区域服务的100 %私有公司,位于布达佩斯的武装保护封闭区,仅邻运输干线,且与布达佩斯的绕城高速公路的连接极为方便。
用"outgoing connection"造句  
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